July's Local Icon - Stay Zen, Yoga by Corine

July's Local Icon - Stay Zen, Yoga by Corine

Partnering with like minded, female owned businesses here on the South Coast is just one of the many joys from starting Catalyse.

This month we're shining the spotlight on July's local Hampshire Icon - Corine, founder of Stay Zen Yoga. Here's why this is one holistic health & wellness business is one you definitely need to check out this year.

My Yoga journey started during childhood, at my Grandma's house. I have treasured memories of my Grandma joyfully introduce me to various postures, I especially remember Tree Pose and Shoulder Stand, which have always been my favourite Yoga poses.

When I moved to London in my early twenties, I knew that it was the right time to start my own Yoga practice, I was captivated and fell in love with Yoga from the first class and it quickly became a priority in my life.

I love all the different aspects of Yoga, the different variations, being able to explore your body and your inner-world. Yoga is a practice that has so much to offer.  

Not long after, I began to adventure on Retreats which made me fall in love with Yoga even more. I saw the open community within Yoga, I felt in a safe place and I could be completely myself, I felt at home with people I had only known for a number of days. 

The wonderful feeling of Retreats led me to enrol in a Yoga Teacher Training course in Rishikesh, India—the very birthplace of Yoga. A journey that I wanted to pursue for a few years but felt held back until I had an awakening which you can read about on my Cacao Ceremony Awakening Blog.

I imagined Yoga Teacher Training to be like a month-long Retreat but it was so intense and lots of hard work, quite the opposite to a leisurely Retreat! But I found it all so magical, I wanted to keep learning and joined a second Yoga School, extending my stay in Rishikesh by another month. 

​T​houghout training,​ it became ​c​lear that teaching Yoga resonated deeply with me​, it felt like a natural calling.​ I feel in my element being able to guide others to centre themselves on their mat, clear their mind and feel into their body.

My enriching experiences emerged the concept of 'Yoga & Friends'- an open, nurturing Yoga Community. Which has recently developed into Stay Zen Yoga.

Yoga has changed my life, it has made me realise who I am, Yoga has changed how I deal with situations and how I see the world, Yoga has given me freedom. 

Looking forward to seeing where your Yoga journey takes you!  Corine xox

And whilst it seem like a long way away, here's one totally different way to spend New Years Eve. One that your mind, body & soul will thank you for choosing as you head into the New Year.  

Stay Zen, The Ultimate New Years Eve Yoga Retreat

Or if that's too far away, check out this majestic, spiritual retreat in September

Sandy Serenity, Yoga & Nature Retreat

This is why Stay Zen is our favourite spiritual home of finding your inner peace & zen!

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